Club (Level 1, Rarity 1)
Felloak (Level 4, Rarity 1)
Dagger (Level 3, Rarity 2)
Gull (Level 6, Rarity 1)
Eagle Orb (Level 1, Rarity 2)
Hand Axe (Level 3, Rarity 3)
The Gnasher (Level 7, Rarity 1)
Javelin (Level 1, Rarity 4)
Katar (Level 1, Rarity 2)
Scepter (Level 3, Rarity 2)
Knell Striker (Level 7, Rarity 1)
Short Bow (Level 1, Rarity 2)
Pluckeye (Level 10, Rarity 1)
Short Staff (Level 1, Rarity 2)
Bane Ash (Level 7, Rarity 1)
Short Sword (Level 1, Rarity 3)
Rixot's Keen (Level 3, Rarity 1)
Throwing Knife (Level 2, Rarity 2)
Wand (Level 2, Rarity 1)
Torch of Iro (Level 7, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 26
Bardiche (Level 5, Rarity 4)
Dimoak's Hew (Level 11, Rarity 1)
Hunter's Bow (Level 5, Rarity 2)
Witherstring (Level 18, Rarity 1)
Large Axe (Level 6, Rarity 4)
Axe of Fechmar (Level 11, Rarity 1)
Light Crossbow (Level 6, Rarity 2)
Leadcrow (Level 12, Rarity 1)
Scimitar (Level 5, Rarity 3)
Blood Crescent (Level 10, Rarity 1)
Spear (Level 5, Rarity 4)
The Dragon Chang (Level 11, Rarity 1)
Spiked Club (Level 4, Rarity 3)
Stoutnail (Level 7, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 22
Axe (Level 7, Rarity 4)
Deathspade (Level 12, Rarity 1)
Dirk (Level 9, Rarity 2)
The Diggler (Level 15, Rarity 1)
Long Bow (Level 8, Rarity 2)
Raven Claw (Level 20, Rarity 1)
Long Staff (Level 8, Rarity 2)
Serpent Lord (Level 12, Rarity 1)
Mace (Level 8, Rarity 4)
Crushflange (Level 12, Rarity 1)
Sabre (Level 8, Rarity 3)
Angelic Raiment Angelic Sickle (Level 17, Rarity 7)
Skewer of Krintiz (Level 14, Rarity 1)
Sacred Globe (Level 8, Rarity 3)
Throwing Axe (Level 7, Rarity 2)
Trident (Level 9, Rarity 4)
Razortine (Level 16, Rarity 1)
Wrist Blade (Level 9, Rarity 2)
Rarity sum: 28
Broad Axe (Level 12, Rarity 4)
Goreshovel (Level 19, Rarity 1)
Composite Bow (Level 12, Rarity 2)
Rogue's Bow (Level 27, Rarity 1)
Crystal Sword (Level 11, Rarity 2)
Falchion (Level 11, Rarity 4)
Gleamscythe (Level 18, Rarity 1)
Gnarled Staff (Level 12, Rarity 2)
Spire of Lazarus (Level 24, Rarity 1)
Hatchet Hands (Level 12, Rarity 2)
Pilum (Level 10, Rarity 4)
Smoked Sphere (Level 12, Rarity 3)
Two-Handed Sword (Level 10, Rarity 4)
Shadowfang (Level 16, Rarity 1)
Voulge (Level 11, Rarity 4)
Steelgoad (Level 19, Rarity 1)
Yew Wand (Level 12, Rarity 1)
Maelstrom (Level 19, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 32
Balanced Knife (Level 13, Rarity 2)
Broad Sword (Level 15, Rarity 4)
Isenhart's Armory Isenhart's Lightbrand (Level 11, Rarity 7)
Griswold's Edge (Level 23, Rarity 1)
Cestus (Level 15, Rarity 2)
Crossbow (Level 15, Rarity 2)
Ichorsting (Level 24, Rarity 1)
Double Axe (Level 13, Rarity 4)
Berserker's Arsenal Berserker's Hatchet (Level 5, Rarity 7)
Bladebone (Level 20, Rarity 1)
Grand Scepter (Level 15, Rarity 4)
Civerb's Vestments Civerb's Cudgel (Level 13, Rarity 7)
Rusthandle (Level 23, Rarity 1)
Morning Star (Level 13, Rarity 4)
Bloodrise (Level 20, Rarity 1)
Scythe (Level 15, Rarity 4)
Soul Harvest (Level 26, Rarity 1)
Short Spear (Level 15, Rarity 4)
Rarity sum: 30
Balanced Axe (Level 16, Rarity 2)
Battle Axe (Level 17, Rarity 4)
The Chieftain (Level 26, Rarity 1)
Battle Staff (Level 17, Rarity 2)
Cathan's Traps Cathan's Rule (Level 15, Rarity 7)
The Salamander (Level 28, Rarity 1)
Bone Wand (Level 18, Rarity 1)
Sander's Folly Sander's Superstition (Level 20, Rarity 7)
Gravenspine (Level 27, Rarity 1)
Brandistock (Level 16, Rarity 4)
Bloodthief (Level 23, Rarity 1)
Clasped Orb (Level 17, Rarity 4)
Claws (Level 18, Rarity 2)
Claymore (Level 17, Rarity 4)
Soulflay (Level 26, Rarity 1)
Kris (Level 17, Rarity 2)
The Jade Tan Do (Level 26, Rarity 1)
Maiden Spear (Level 18, Rarity 3)
Short Battle Bow (Level 18, Rarity 2)
Stormstrike (Level 34, Rarity 1)
Stag Bow (Level 18, Rarity 3)
Rarity sum: 33
Blade Talons (Level 21, Rarity 2)
Flail (Level 19, Rarity 4)
The General's Tan Do Li Ga (Level 28, Rarity 1)
Giant Sword (Level 21, Rarity 4)
Kinemil's Awl (Level 31, Rarity 1)
Long Sword (Level 20, Rarity 4)
Cleglaw's Brace Cleglaw's Tooth (Level 6, Rarity 7)
Hellplague (Level 30, Rarity 1)
Maul (Level 21, Rarity 4)
Bonesnap (Level 32, Rarity 1)
Military Pick (Level 19, Rarity 4)
Tancred's Battlegear Tancred's Crowbill (Level 27, Rarity 7)
Skull Splitter (Level 28, Rarity 1)
Poleaxe (Level 21, Rarity 4)
The Battlebranch (Level 34, Rarity 1)
Spetum (Level 20, Rarity 4)
Lance of Yaggai (Level 30, Rarity 1)
War Scepter (Level 21, Rarity 4)
Milabrega's Regalia Milabrega's Rod (Level 23, Rarity 7)
Stormeye (Level 31, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 34
Bastard Sword (Level 24, Rarity 4)
Blacktongue (Level 35, Rarity 1)
Blade (Level 23, Rarity 3)
Spectral Shard (Level 34, Rarity 1)
Jared's Stone (Level 24, Rarity 5)
Glaive (Level 23, Rarity 4)
Great Axe (Level 23, Rarity 4)
Brainhew (Level 34, Rarity 1)
Heavy Crossbow (Level 24, Rarity 2)
Hellcast (Level 36, Rarity 1)
Long Battle Bow (Level 23, Rarity 2)
Vidala's Rig Vidala's Barb (Level 19, Rarity 7)
Wizendraw (Level 35, Rarity 1)
Maiden Javelin (Level 23, Rarity 3)
Pike (Level 24, Rarity 4)
The Tannr Gorerod (Level 36, Rarity 1)
Scissors Katar (Level 24, Rarity 2)
War Staff (Level 24, Rarity 2)
Arcanna's Tricks Arcanna's Deathwand (Level 20, Rarity 7)
The Iron Jang Bong (Level 38, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 35
Flamberge (Level 27, Rarity 4)
Ripsaw (Level 35, Rarity 1)
Giant Axe (Level 27, Rarity 4)
Humongous (Level 39, Rarity 1)
Grim Wand (Level 26, Rarity 1)
Infernal Tools Infernal Torch (Level 7, Rarity 7)
Ume's Lament (Level 38, Rarity 1)
Maiden Pike (Level 27, Rarity 3)
Reflex Bow (Level 27, Rarity 3)
Short War Bow (Level 27, Rarity 2)
Arctic Gear Arctic Horn (Level 3, Rarity 7)
Hellclap (Level 36, Rarity 1)
War Axe (Level 25, Rarity 4)
Rakescar (Level 36, Rarity 1)
War Hammer (Level 25, Rarity 4)
Ironstone (Level 36, Rarity 1)
War Sword (Level 27, Rarity 4)
Death's Disguise Death's Touch (Level 8, Rarity 7)
Culwen's Point (Level 39, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 29
Cudgel (Level 30, Rarity 1)
Dark Clan Crusher (Level 42, Rarity 1)
Edge Bow (Level 30, Rarity 2)
Skystrike (Level 36, Rarity 1)
Gladius (Level 30, Rarity 3)
Bloodletter (Level 38, Rarity 1)
Halberd (Level 29, Rarity 4)
Woestave (Level 38, Rarity 1)
Jo Staff (Level 30, Rarity 2)
Razorswitch (Level 36, Rarity 1)
Quhab (Level 28, Rarity 2)
Throwing Spear (Level 29, Rarity 4)
War Javelin (Level 30, Rarity 4)
Rarity sum: 22
Barbed Club (Level 32, Rarity 3)
Fleshrender (Level 46, Rarity 1)
Battle Dart (Level 31, Rarity 2)
Deathbit (Level 52, Rarity 1)
Burnt Wand (Level 31, Rarity 1)
Suicide Branch (Level 41, Rarity 1)
Glowing Orb (Level 32, Rarity 2)
Great Maul (Level 32, Rarity 3)
Steeldriver (Level 39, Rarity 1)
Great Sword (Level 33, Rarity 4)
The Patriarch (Level 39, Rarity 1)
Hatchet (Level 31, Rarity 3)
Coldkill (Level 44, Rarity 1)
Lochaber Axe (Level 33, Rarity 4)
The Meat Scraper (Level 49, Rarity 1)
Long War Bow (Level 31, Rarity 2)
Blastbark (Level 38, Rarity 1)
Poignard (Level 31, Rarity 2)
Spineripper (Level 40, Rarity 1)
Razor Bow (Level 33, Rarity 2)
Riphook (Level 39, Rarity 1)
Repeating Crossbow (Level 33, Rarity 2)
Doomslinger (Level 38, Rarity 1)
Rune Scepter (Level 31, Rarity 2)
Zakarum's Hand (Level 45, Rarity 1)
War Spear (Level 33, Rarity 4)
The Impaler (Level 39, Rarity 1)
Wrist Spike (Level 32, Rarity 2)
Rarity sum: 38
Arbalest (Level 34, Rarity 2)
Langer Briser (Level 40, Rarity 1)
Cedar Bow (Level 35, Rarity 2)
Kuko Shakaku (Level 41, Rarity 1)
Ceremonial Javelin (Level 35, Rarity 3)
Titan's Revenge (Level 50, Rarity 1)
Cleaver (Level 34, Rarity 4)
Butcher's Pupil (Level 47, Rarity 1)
Fascia (Level 36, Rarity 2)
Flanged Mace (Level 35, Rarity 4)
Sureshrill Frost (Level 47, Rarity 1)
Francisca (Level 34, Rarity 2)
The Scalper (Level 65, Rarity 1)
Fuscina (Level 36, Rarity 4)
Kelpie Snare (Level 41, Rarity 1)
Military Axe (Level 34, Rarity 4)
Warlord's Trust (Level 43, Rarity 1)
Partizan (Level 35, Rarity 4)
Pierre Tombale Couant (Level 51, Rarity 1)
Quarterstaff (Level 35, Rarity 2)
Ribcracker (Level 39, Rarity 1)
Rondel (Level 36, Rarity 2)
Heart Carver (Level 44, Rarity 1)
Shamshir (Level 35, Rarity 3)
Hexfire (Level 41, Rarity 1)
War Scythe (Level 34, Rarity 3)
The Grim Reaper (Level 39, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 41
Ashwood Bow (Level 39, Rarity 3)
Bearded Axe (Level 38, Rarity 4)
Spellsteel (Level 47, Rarity 1)
Bill (Level 37, Rarity 4)
Hwanin's Majesty Hwanin's Justice (Level 28, Rarity 7)
Blackleach Blade (Level 50, Rarity 1)
Cedar Staff (Level 38, Rarity 2)
Chromatic Ire (Level 43, Rarity 1)
Crystalline Globe (Level 37, Rarity 3)
Dimensional Blade (Level 37, Rarity 2)
Ginther's Rift (Level 45, Rarity 1)
Double Bow (Level 39, Rarity 2)
Endlesshail (Level 44, Rarity 1)
Espandon (Level 37, Rarity 4)
Crainte Vomir (Level 50, Rarity 1)
Great Pilum (Level 37, Rarity 4)
Jagged Star (Level 39, Rarity 4)
Aldur's Watchtower Aldur's Rhythm (Level 29, Rarity 7)
Moonfall (Level 50, Rarity 1)
Petrified Wand (Level 38, Rarity 1)
Carin Shard (Level 43, Rarity 1)
Tulwar (Level 37, Rarity 4)
Blade of Ali Baba (Level 43, Rarity 1)
Twin Axe (Level 39, Rarity 4)
Islestrike (Level 51, Rarity 1)
War Dart (Level 39, Rarity 2)
Rarity sum: 43
Battle Scythe (Level 40, Rarity 4)
Athena's Wrath (Level 50, Rarity 1)
Battle Sword (Level 40, Rarity 4)
Headstriker (Level 47, Rarity 1)
Cinquedeas (Level 42, Rarity 2)
Blackbog's Sharp (Level 46, Rarity 1)
Cloudy Sphere (Level 41, Rarity 3)
Dacian Falx (Level 42, Rarity 4)
Bing Sz Wang (Level 51, Rarity 1)
Gothic Staff (Level 42, Rarity 2)
Warpspear (Level 47, Rarity 1)
Hand Scythe (Level 41, Rarity 2)
Holy Water Sprinkler (Level 40, Rarity 4)
The Fetid Sprinkler (Level 46, Rarity 1)
Hurlbat (Level 41, Rarity 2)
Siege Crossbow (Level 40, Rarity 2)
Pus Spitter (Level 44, Rarity 1)
Simbilan (Level 40, Rarity 4)
Tabar (Level 42, Rarity 4)
Stormrider (Level 49, Rarity 1)
War Fork (Level 41, Rarity 4)
Soulfeast Tine (Level 43, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 41
Ceremonial Spear (Level 43, Rarity 3)
Crowbill (Level 43, Rarity 4)
Pompeii's Wrath (Level 53, Rarity 1)
Cutlass (Level 43, Rarity 3)
Coldsteel Eye (Level 39, Rarity 1)
Divine Scepter (Level 45, Rarity 4)
Hand of Blessed Light (Level 50, Rarity 1)
Greater Claws (Level 45, Rarity 2)
Knout (Level 43, Rarity 4)
Baezil's Vortex (Level 53, Rarity 1)
Rune Sword (Level 44, Rarity 4)
Plague Bearer (Level 49, Rarity 1)
Short Siege Bow (Level 43, Rarity 2)
Witchwild String (Level 47, Rarity 1)
Tomb Wand (Level 43, Rarity 1)
Arm of King Leoric (Level 44, Rarity 1)
Tusk Sword (Level 45, Rarity 4)
The Vile Husk (Level 52, Rarity 1)
War Club (Level 45, Rarity 4)
Bloodtree Stump (Level 56, Rarity 1)
Yari (Level 44, Rarity 4)
Hone Sundan (Level 45, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 39
Ballista (Level 47, Rarity 2)
Buriza-Do Kyanon (Level 59, Rarity 1)
Battle Hammer (Level 48, Rarity 4)
Earthshaker (Level 51, Rarity 1)
Ceremonial Bow (Level 47, Rarity 3)
Lycander's Aim (Level 50, Rarity 1)
Gothic Axe (Level 46, Rarity 4)
Boneslayer Blade (Level 50, Rarity 1)
Gothic Sword (Level 48, Rarity 4)
Cloudcrack (Level 53, Rarity 1)
Lance (Level 47, Rarity 4)
Spire of Honor (Level 47, Rarity 1)
Large Siege Bow (Level 46, Rarity 2)
Cliffkiller (Level 49, Rarity 1)
Naga (Level 48, Rarity 4)
Guardian Naga (Level 56, Rarity 1)
Rune Staff (Level 47, Rarity 2)
Skull Collector (Level 49, Rarity 1)
Sparkling Ball (Level 46, Rarity 4)
Spiculum (Level 46, Rarity 4)
Stiletto (Level 46, Rarity 3)
Stormspike (Level 49, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 40
Ancient Axe (Level 51, Rarity 4)
The Minotaur (Level 53, Rarity 1)
Ancient Sword (Level 49, Rarity 4)
The Atlantean (Level 50, Rarity 1)
Bec-de-Corbin (Level 51, Rarity 4)
Husoldal Evo (Level 52, Rarity 1)
Ceremonial Pike (Level 51, Rarity 3)
Lycander's Flank (Level 50, Rarity 1)
Grave Wand (Level 49, Rarity 1)
Blackhand Key (Level 49, Rarity 1)
Greater Talons (Level 50, Rarity 2)
Bartuc's Cut-Throat (Level 50, Rarity 1)
Harpoon (Level 51, Rarity 4)
Rune Bow (Level 49, Rarity 2)
Magewrath (Level 51, Rarity 1)
Swirling Crystal (Level 50, Rarity 5)
Tal Rasha's Wrappings Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye (Level 26, Rarity 7)
The Oculus (Level 50, Rarity 1)
Zweihander (Level 49, Rarity 4)
Todesfaelle Flamme (Level 54, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 33
Chu-Ko-Nu (Level 54, Rarity 2)
Demon Machine (Level 57, Rarity 1)
Executioner Sword (Level 54, Rarity 4)
Swordguard (Level 55, Rarity 1)
Gothic Bow (Level 52, Rarity 2)
Goldstrike Arch (Level 54, Rarity 1)
Hyperion Javelin (Level 54, Rarity 4)
Martel de Fer (Level 53, Rarity 3)
The Gavel of Pain (Level 53, Rarity 1)
Matriarchal Bow (Level 53, Rarity 3)
Blood Raven's Charge (Level 79, Rarity 1)
Scissors Quhab (Level 54, Rarity 2)
Tomahawk (Level 54, Rarity 3)
Razor's Edge (Level 75, Rarity 1)
Truncheon (Level 52, Rarity 1)
Nord's Tenderizer (Level 76, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 24
Falcata (Level 56, Rarity 3)
Feral Axe (Level 57, Rarity 4)
Flying Axe (Level 56, Rarity 2)
Gimmershred (Level 78, Rarity 1)
Grim Scythe (Level 55, Rarity 3)
Grim's Burning Dead (Level 52, Rarity 1)
Pellet Bow (Level 57, Rarity 2)
Polished Wand (Level 55, Rarity 1)
Spider Bow (Level 55, Rarity 2)
Tyrant Club (Level 57, Rarity 3)
Demon Limb (Level 71, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 20
Blade Bow (Level 60, Rarity 2)
Bone Knife (Level 58, Rarity 2)
Wizardspike (Level 69, Rarity 1)
Heavenly Stone (Level 59, Rarity 2)
Hyperion Spear (Level 58, Rarity 4)
Arioc's Needle (Level 85, Rarity 1)
Legend Sword (Level 59, Rarity 4)
Ogre Axe (Level 60, Rarity 4)
Bonehew (Level 72, Rarity 1)
Suwayyah (Level 59, Rarity 2)
Walking Stick (Level 58, Rarity 2)
Rarity sum: 22
Ataghan (Level 61, Rarity 3)
Djinn Slayer (Level 73, Rarity 1)
Elegant Blade (Level 63, Rarity 3)
Bloodmoon (Level 69, Rarity 1)
Matriarchal Spear (Level 61, Rarity 3)
Stoneraven (Level 72, Rarity 1)
Mighty Scepter (Level 62, Rarity 2)
Heaven's Light (Level 69, Rarity 1)
The Redeemer (Level 80, Rarity 1)
Reinforced Mace (Level 63, Rarity 4)
Heaven's Brethren Dangoon's Teaching (Level 55, Rarity 7)
Shadow Bow (Level 63, Rarity 2)
Small Crescent (Level 61, Rarity 4)
Stygian Pilum (Level 62, Rarity 4)
Wrist Sword (Level 62, Rarity 2)
Jade Talon (Level 74, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 27
Colossus Voulge (Level 64, Rarity 4)
Flying Knife (Level 64, Rarity 2)
Ghost Wand (Level 65, Rarity 1)
Highland Blade (Level 66, Rarity 4)
Matriarchal Javelin (Level 65, Rarity 3)
Thunderstroke (Level 77, Rarity 1)
Silver-edged Axe (Level 65, Rarity 4)
Ethereal Edge (Level 82, Rarity 1)
Stalagmite (Level 66, Rarity 2)
Stygian Pike (Level 66, Rarity 4)
Rarity sum: 24
Rarity sum: 17
Balrog Blade (Level 71, Rarity 4)
Flamebellow (Level 79, Rarity 1)
Balrog Spear (Level 71, Rarity 4)
Demon's Arch (Level 76, Rarity 1)
Devil Star (Level 70, Rarity 4)
Baranar's Star (Level 70, Rarity 1)
Diamond Bow (Level 72, Rarity 2)
Ettin Axe (Level 70, Rarity 4)
Rune Master (Level 80, Rarity 1)
Mithril Point (Level 70, Rarity 2)
Thresher (Level 71, Rarity 4)
The Reaper's Toll (Level 83, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 24
Battle Cestus (Level 73, Rarity 2)
Shadow Killer (Level 85, Rarity 1)
Colossus Crossbow (Level 75, Rarity 2)
Hellrack (Level 84, Rarity 1)
Decapitator (Level 73, Rarity 4)
Hellslayer (Level 71, Rarity 1)
Demon Heart (Level 75, Rarity 3)
Elder Staff (Level 74, Rarity 2)
Naj's Ancient Vestige Naj's Puzzler (Level 43, Rarity 7)
Ondal's Wisdom (Level 74, Rarity 1)
Lich Wand (Level 75, Rarity 1)
Boneshade (Level 84, Rarity 1)
Mancatcher (Level 74, Rarity 4)
Viperfork (Level 79, Rarity 1)
Phase Blade (Level 73, Rarity 2)
Azurewrath (Level 87, Rarity 1)
Lightsabre (Level 66, Rarity 5)
Rarity sum: 20
Champion Sword (Level 77, Rarity 4)
Doombringer (Level 75, Rarity 1)
Conquest Sword (Level 78, Rarity 4)
Crusader Bow (Level 77, Rarity 2)
Eaglehorn (Level 77, Rarity 1)
Feral Claws (Level 78, Rarity 2)
Firelizard's Talons (Level 75, Rarity 1)
Grand Matron Bow (Level 78, Rarity 3)
M'avina's Battle Hymn M'avina's Caster (Level 21, Rarity 7)
Scourge (Level 76, Rarity 4)
Horizon's Tornado (Level 72, Rarity 5)
Stormlash (Level 86, Rarity 1)
Seraph Rod (Level 76, Rarity 4)
Winged Knife (Level 77, Rarity 2)
Warshrike (Level 83, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 25
Colossus Sword (Level 80, Rarity 4)
Cryptic Axe (Level 79, Rarity 4)
Tomb Reaver (Level 86, Rarity 1)
Ghost Glaive (Level 79, Rarity 4)
Wraith Flight (Level 84, Rarity 1)
Matriarchal Pike (Level 81, Rarity 3)
Runic Talons (Level 81, Rarity 2)
War Spike (Level 79, Rarity 4)
Cranebeak (Level 71, Rarity 1)
Ward Bow (Level 80, Rarity 2)
Widowmaker (Level 73, Rarity 1)
Winged Axe (Level 80, Rarity 2)
Lacerator (Level 76, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 25
Champion Axe (Level 82, Rarity 4)
Messerschmidt's Reaver (Level 75, Rarity 1)
Cryptic Sword (Level 82, Rarity 4)
Sazabi's Grand Tribute Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer (Level 34, Rarity 7)
Frostwind (Level 78, Rarity 1)
Demon Crossbow (Level 84, Rarity 2)
Gut Siphon (Level 79, Rarity 1)
Fanged Knife (Level 83, Rarity 2)
Fleshripper (Level 76, Rarity 1)
Ghost Spear (Level 83, Rarity 4)
Great Poleaxe (Level 84, Rarity 4)
Legendary Mallet (Level 82, Rarity 4)
Schaefer's Hammer (Level 83, Rarity 1)
Stone Crusher (Level 76, Rarity 4)
Shillelagh (Level 83, Rarity 2)
Vortex Orb (Level 84, Rarity 4)
Rarity sum: 30
Archon Staff (Level 85, Rarity 2)
Mang Song's Lesson (Level 86, Rarity 1)
Berserker Axe (Level 85, Rarity 4)
Death Cleaver (Level 78, Rarity 1)
Caduceus (Level 85, Rarity 4)
Griswold's Legacy Griswold's Redemption (Level 44, Rarity 7)
Astreon's Iron Ward (Level 68, Rarity 1)
Colossus Blade (Level 85, Rarity 4)
Bul-Kathos' Children Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge (Level 50, Rarity 7)
The Grandfather (Level 85, Rarity 1)
Dimensional Shard (Level 85, Rarity 5)
Death's Fathom (Level 81, Rarity 1)
Giant Thresher (Level 85, Rarity 3)
Stormspire (Level 78, Rarity 1)
Glorious Axe (Level 85, Rarity 4)
Executioner's Justice (Level 83, Rarity 1)
Hydra Bow (Level 85, Rarity 2)
Windforce (Level 80, Rarity 1)
Legend Spike (Level 85, Rarity 3)
Ghostflame (Level 70, Rarity 1)
Mythical Sword (Level 85, Rarity 4)
Bul-Kathos' Children Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian (Level 50, Rarity 7)
Scissors Suwayyah (Level 85, Rarity 2)
Natalya's Odium Natalya's Mark (Level 22, Rarity 7)
Thunder Maul (Level 85, Rarity 3)
Earth Shifter (Level 77, Rarity 1)
The Cranium Basher (Level 85, Rarity 1)
Unearthed Wand (Level 86, Rarity 1)
Death's Web (Level 74, Rarity 1)
War Pike (Level 85, Rarity 4)
Steel Pillar (Level 77, Rarity 1)
Winged Harpoon (Level 85, Rarity 4)
Gargoyle's Bite (Level 78, Rarity 1)
Rarity sum: 49