Guild Wars 2 Game Council
Qualities of the Basin Game Council
Members of the Basin Game Council are talented people. The primary requirements are good judgment, detachment, and grace under pressure. Game Council members are diplomats. They have knack for making problems go away or at least become smaller. Game Council are firm when the occasion calls for it, yet wise enough to know when the light touch is preferable.
Responsibilities of the Basin Game Council
Basin Game Council members are our in-game facilitators. The Game Council will work closely with both our members and the Leadership Team. The major areas of responsibility for Game Council are these:
- In-game arbitration. The Game Council will receive and act on in-game complaints as described below under Conflict Resolution.
- Traffic control in our in-game guilds. The Leadership Team and the Game Council are the only in-game officers with the authority to invite or promote people in our in-game guilds. In Guild Wars I, almost everyone in our in-game guilds will be an in-game officer.
- Oversight of certain game related forums. The Basin Game Council moderates our In-Game Guilds Forum and associated subforums. The Game Council is responsible for record keeping for the in-game guilds.
Members of the Game Council
Pax Big Bad Bob CoonerTheRed Yobbo Angelic Jennifer In-game permissions |
Conflict resolution in the Guild Wars Basin
Guild Wars is a friendly game. It's hard to do serious damage to someone. Nevertheless conflicts will occur. The Guild Wars Basin believes in solution oriented conflict resolution. We strongly prefer to resolve problems rather than prolong them. The easiest and safest way to deal with problems is to resolve them at the lowest level possible with a minimum of bureaucracy. Here is the normal progression when a problem comes up in-game.
- The first line of defense is the players ourselves. In problem situations, it will be the players' judgment that determines what happens next. Players are strongly urged to settle small differences on the spot as ladies and gentlemen. Players are expected to be responsible for their own actions. Experienced Basiners can contribute mightily here just by being mature and helpful role models. Most of the time, individuals can settle their differences. Some of the time, they won't and for that we go to the next step.
- The next line of defense is the Game Council. The goal is to try to resolve problems with grace, skill, and good judgment. Obviously our Game Council members are perfect for the job. The Game Council will have the options of sending problems back to the players with some tips for resolution, solving it at the Council level, or kicking it up to the Leadership.
- The last line of defense is the Leadership Team. The Leadership Team gets the tough ones that resist resolution even after the best efforts of the individual players and the Game Council.