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(Created page with '{{D2 BCS |Type=Long range multi-target attack |Tier=2 |Rlvl=6 |Req=Missile weapon |Town=No |Mana=3+lvl |ANM=No |WD=75% |AR=7 |LB=Yes |r1={{D2 Req}} |r2= |r3= |r4= |r5= |r6= |r7= ...')
(D2R synergy; wider tables)
(21 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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{{D2 BCS
{{Skill page
|Type=Long range multi-target attack
|RS=Magic Arrow
|SS=None (LoD)<br/>Guided Arrow (D2R)
|File=Bow and Crossbow Skills
|Type=Long range multi-missile attack
|Req=Missile weapon
|Req=Missile weapon
{{U|=Legend has it that the fabled Amazon archer, Palashia, bragged in her youth that she could best the combined skills of all her greatest rivals. Taking umbrage, her rivals gathered to challenge her outrageous boast, arranging a contest to decide the question. To preserve her honor, Palashia was to strike the targets of all her rivals before they could land a single arrow. When dawn arose on the day of the contest, Palashia stood ready with her bow. At the signal, her rivals nocked their arrows and loosed a volley towards their targets. Palashia gathered her energies, and let fly with her own, single arrow. To the amazement of onlookers, her arrow split into many, cleaving the arrows of her rivals, and moving on to strike every target directly in their centers. This mysterious technique quickly became a martial secret that only the finest archers are able to master.}}
|r1={{D2 Req}}
{{D2 Unique
|=Legend has it that the fabled Amazon archer, Palashia, bragged in her youth that she could best the combined skills of all her greatest rivals. Taking umbrage, her rivals gathered to challenge her outrageous boast, arranging a contest to decide the question. To preserve her honor, Palashia was to strike the targets of all her rivals before they could land a single arrow. When dawn arose on the day of the contest, Palashia stood ready with her bow. At the signal, her rivals nocked their arrows and loosed a volley towards their targets. Palashia gathered her energies, and let fly with her own, single arrow. To the amazement of onlookers, her arrow split into many, cleaving the arrows of her rivals, and moving on to strike every target directly in their centers. This mysterious technique quickly became a martial secret that only the finest archers are able to master.}}
|min(1+slvl , 24)
[[D2 Multiple Shot#Level 1-60 stats|Level 1-60 stats]]
{{D2 Stat}}
![[Next Delay]] (Frames)
!align=left|[[D2 Missile#Next delay|Next Delay]]
!align=left|{{S|=+% Damage}} (D2R only)
|4 frames
|12*[[Guided Arrow]].blvl
*Splits each arrow or bolt fired into many. Each volley only decreases quiver quantity by one.
*Splits each arrow or bolt fired into many. Each volley only decreases quiver quantity by one.
*Level >22 fires the maximum 24 arrows per volley, so higher levels only increase [[mana]] cost.
*Attack's [[attack rate]] is used.
*Target position affects the spread of each volley: targeting far away from the player concentrates the arrows in each volley, targeting close to the player spreads out the arrows in each volley.
*Target position affects the spread of each volley: targeting far away from the player concentrates the arrows in each volley, targeting close to the player spreads out the arrows in each volley.
[[File:Multiple_Shot.png|frame|center|Moving the cursor from the edge of the screen closer to the [[Amazon]] results in the arrows in each volley being more spread out, covering a larger area.]]
|caption=Moving the cursor from the edge of the screen closer to the [[D2 Amazon|Amazon]] results in the arrows in each volley being more spread out, but covering a larger area.}}
*Cold length is also reduced to 75%: poison length isn't reduced.
*Next delay normally prevents any target being hit by more than one arrow from each volley.
*{{Warn|=Poison length is calculated differently when multiple items applying poison damage are used with skills that apply a fraction of weapon damage: two items will apply poison damage over the sum of their lengths, while three or more items will just apply poison damage over the longest length of any of those items.}} [http://www.theamazonbasin.com/d2/forums/index.php?s=&showtopic=76262&view=findpost&p=845619]
*[[Cold Damage|Cold length]] is also reduced to 75%: [[Poison Damage|poison length]] isn't reduced.
*{{Warn|=Poison length is calculated differently when multiple items applying poison damage are used with skills that apply less than 100% weapon damage: Poison length = [sum of lengths / (sources - 1) ]}} [https://planetdiablo.eu/forum/threads/giftdauer-bei-srcdam-128-missiles.1743741/#post-26832117] [https://www.theamazonbasin.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/113633-monster-resistances-and-immunities-guide/&do=findComment&comment=1419316]
*Percentage [[Life Stolen]] and [[Mana Stolen]] per hit is also reduced to 75%, rounding down: this means 4% is reduced to 3%, and 1% is reduced to 0%. [https://www.theamazonbasin.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/121588-rounding-down-leech/&do=findComment&comment=1508245]
*The following are only applied by the original two arrows (if there is an odd number of arrows, these are the central arrow and the first arrow to the right from the Amazon's perspective):
*The following are only applied by the original two arrows (if there is an odd number of arrows, these are the central arrow and the first arrow to the right from the Amazon's perspective):
**% Chance of Crushing Blow
**[[Crushing Blow]]
**% Chance of Open Wounds
**[[Open Wounds]]
**[[D2 On Striking|% Chance to Cast on Striking]]
**[[Chance to Cast]] [[on Striking]]
**Hit Blinds Target
**[[Hit Blinds Target]]
**Hit Causes Monster to Flee %
**[[Hit Causes Monster to Flee]]
**Freezes Target
**[[Freezes Target]]
**[[D2 Knockback|Knockback]]
**Slows Target by %
**[[Slows Target]]
*Level >22 fires the maximum 24 arrows per volley, so higher levels only increase mana cost.
*[[D2 Missile#Next delay|Next delay]] normally prevents any target being hit by more than one arrow from each volley.
*Uses [[D2 Amazon attack rate#Normal Attack 2|Normal Attack rate]].
===[[D2 Charged suffix|Charged suffix]]===
===[[Charged suffix]]===
{{D2 Skill charged}}
{{Skill charged}}
!align=left|Missile weapon
*[[Missile]] weapon
==Level 1-60 stats==
==Levels 1-60==
[[D2 Multiple Shot#Details|Details]]
{{Levels 1-20}}
{{D2 Level 1-10}}
!align=left| Mana Cost
| 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11 || 12 || 13 || 14 || 15 || 16 || 17 || 18 || 19 || 20 || 21 || 22 || 23
!align=left|Mana Cost
!align=left| Arrows
| 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11 || 12 || 13 || 14 || 15 || 16 || 17 || 18 || 19 || 20 || 21
{{Levels 21-40}}
{{D2 Level 11-20}}
!align=left| Mana Cost
| 24 || 25 || 26 || 27 || 28 || 29 || 30 || 31 || 32 || 33 || 34 || 35 || 36 || 37 || 38 || 39 || 40 || 41 || 42 || 43
!align=left|Mana Cost
!align=left| Arrows
| 22 || 23 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24
{{Levels 41-60}}
{{D2 Level 21-30}}
!align=left|Mana Cost
{{D2 Level 31-40}}
!align=left| Mana Cost
| 44 || 45 || 46 || 47 || 48 || 49 || 50 || 51 || 52 || 53 || 54 || 55 || 56 || 57 || 58 || 59 || 60 || 61 || 62 || 63
!align=left|Mana Cost
!align=left| Arrows
| 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24 || 24
{{D2 Level 41-50}}
*[http://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/skills/amazon-bow.shtml Bow and Crossbow Skills] (Arreat Summit)
*[https://www.theamazonbasin.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/121588-rounding-down-leech/ Rounding Down Leech] (D2 Technical)
*LastCorpse, [https://planetdiablo.eu/forum/threads/giftdauer-bei-srcdam-128-missiles.1743741/ Giftdauer bei SrcDam <128 Missiles] (PlanetDiablo.eu)
*Onderduiker, [https://www.theamazonbasin.com/forums/index.php?/forums/topic/113633-monster-resistances-and-immunities-guide/ Monster Resistances and Immunities Guide] (D2 Technical)
!align=left|Mana Cost
{{D2 Level 51-60}}
!align=left|Mana Cost
*Onderduiker, [http://www.theamazonbasin.com/d2/forums/index.php?showtopic=76262 Monster Resistances and Immunities Guide] (Technical Discussion)
[[Category:D2 Skills]]
[[Category:D2 Amazon]]
[[Category:D2 Bow and Crossbow Skills]]

Latest revision as of 02:34, 18 July 2024