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No guide would be complete without a discussion of the class' talents.  This is such a large topic it has a section of its own.<br>
No guide would be complete without a discussion of the class' talents.  This is such a large topic it has a section of its own.<br>
[[Rogue Talents]]<br><br>
[[Rogue Talents]]<br><br>
Rogue Talent Templates:<br>
Rogue Talent Templates:<br>
[[Group Rogue template]]<br>
[[Ambush/Backstab]] (30/8/13)<br>
[[Ass/Combat Builds]]<br>
[[Ass/Sub Builds]]<br>
[[Ass/Sub Builds]]<br>
[[Balanced Rogue Build]]<br>
[[Balanced Rogue Build]]<br>
[[DoT Rogue Build]]<br>
[[DoT Rogue Build]]<br>
[[Ass/Combat Builds]]<br>
[[Group Rogue template]]<br>
[[Combat Dagger]]<br>
== Leveling guide ==
== Leveling guide ==
=== Level 1-9 ===
[[Rogue Levelling Guide]] - Guide to get to level 40
In this level range your role is pretty much as a light tank.  Stealth works very poorly with mobs even one level above you.  You will do large amounts of damage in short periods of time however and will be fine.  If you manage to get adds you should quickly consider running. 
At these levels, Sinister Strike is a Rogues bread and butter skill.  Evisceration is the only 'finishing' attack that is available in this level range.  Backstab is another useful skill while grouping when another player has the mobs attention.  Gouge and Evasion become available in this level range. 
=== Level 40-49 ===
[[Dagger_guide#Levels_40-49|Dagger list]]
The key to success as a low level Rogue will be your weapon.  Rogues start out with training in Daggers.  In order to train more weapons you must visit a major city and spend 10 silver to learn the new weapon skill.  It is suggested that you just stick with daggers for the first 10 levels.  Following is a list of low level easily obtainable daggers:
[[Offhand_Sword_guide#Levels_40-49|Offhand Sword list]]
Thottbot lists 22 daggers between the levels of 1 and 9.  3 are available from vendors, 1 craftable, 6 are quest rewards, 11 are random drops and 3 have no documented source.  Of the 22, 9 are listed as green items, 2 are grey items and the rest are all yellow items.  8 Daggers are discussed below. 
=== Level 50-59 ===
[[Dagger_guide#Levels_50-59|Dagger list]]
The [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=558 Copper Dagger] is a craftable dagger that can be used at level 6.  It has a 5DPS capability. 
For the Horde the [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=659 Jagged Dagger] is a very good quest reward for a level 8 quest.  +1 Str and 6 DPS.
The [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=1302 Ceremonial Knife] is another Horde quest reward that could prove to be useful, if not as good as the jagged dagger.  5.4 DPS with no stat bonuses.  This is the reward from a level 12 quest that is the 4th in a quest line. 
The [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=708 Pruning Knife] is the first questable dagger available to Night Elves on Teldrassil.  It is a 4.1DPS weapon from a quest that is first available at level 6. 
The [http://www.thottbot.com/?i=1340 Long Bayonet] is available through a quest in Elwynn Forest at level 7.  It provides 4.4 DPS to its user.
For random drops the [http://www.thottbot.com/?i=13786 Carving Knife] is fairly common and nice for a level 6 item.  It provides +1 Str and 5.9 DPS for level 6.  The [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=6208 Curved Dagger] is a nice drop for a level 9 dagger.  It provides +1 Agi and 7.2 DPS.  It should be fairly easy to obtain in Ragefire Chasm. 
The [http://www.thottbot.com/?i=2475 Stonesplinter Dagger] is a random drop from Troggs in Loch Modan.  It provides +1 Agi and 7DPS at level 8 or higher. 
In summary go with whatever drops until level 6.  At this point try to get a crafted Copper Dagger.  Try to get a Carving Knife or a Curved Dagger as you level.  If you are Horde, getting the Jagged Dagger is a very good idea.  If starting as a Gnome/Dwarf a Stonesplinter Dagger makes a nice alternative if it can be found.
=== Level 10-19 ===
At level 10 the Rogue gains Dual Wield, Sap, Sprint, and a second 'finishing move' Slice and Dice.  Damage is increased by about 10-15% through the use of Dual Wield.  Sap provides the Rogues major form of CC throughout his career.  Sprint in combination with Evasion provide the basis for a Rogues escape abilities. 
The Rogue is still pretty much a light tank in this level range as he was in the first level range.  At level 18, when gaining Ambush, the Rogue can start to effectively experiment with some stealth to gain an upper hand on his foes. 
Later in this level range Rogues gain Kick, Garrote, Expose Armor, Feint, Pick Locks, Ambush, and Parry.  Kick provides spell interruption.  Garrotte is a from stealth DoT opener.  Expose Armor is a widely disparaged 'finishing. move that reduces the targets armor.  Feint is an aggro reducing ability that has limited utility. Pick locks is useful for getting items/money, your guildmates will request help in this area quite often.  Ambush is a from stealth opening move that does a large amount of damage all at once.  Parry provides a melee defensive ability. 
Level 10 is the level where all classes start to earn Talent Points and the Rogue is included.  One common build is the [[Group Rogue template]].  To start with, Improved Sinister Strike is perhaps the biggest bang for the buck at low level.  Obtaining mastery of deception at a low level could be good for pickpocketing to gain cash faster.  This path also leads to obtaining Improved Sap earlier in your career.  This is one of the most important group skills for instances. 
Again the rogues weapons are the key to his success as his main role in a group is to do damage. Thottbot lists 30 daggers in the 10-15 level range
[[Offhand_Sword_guide#Levels_50-59|Offhand Sword list]]
The [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=1304 Blade of Cunning] is widely available from a variety of quests at level 10 for the Alliance and level 13 for the Horde.  This dagger improves your Subtlety skill by one and does 6.7 DPS.  The appropriate quest can be obtained from the Rogue Trainer in the race specific level 1-10 areas.  At level 10 this is a good dagger to obtain. [[Gnome rogue spoiler]]
[[Offhand Mace guide|Offhand Mace guide]]
There are many green dropped daggers in this level range.  They will not all be described here in an attempt to lessen confusion.  Top DPS numbers for each level are as follows:<br>
=== Level 60 ===
lvl DPS<br>
At this level it is time to start optimizing armor as well as weaponry.
10  6.7  The above mentioned Blade of Cunning<br>
12  8.7  The rare [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=6726 Slicer Blade] from Westfall.<br>
13  8.9  Scrimshaw dagger as shown below<br>
14  9.7+1 This is the [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=6958 Venom Web Fang] that drops in Duskwood.  <br>
15  10  Big Bronze Knife as shown below<br>
17  11.1 See below<br>
18  15.3 See below<br>
19  15.5 See below<br>
Questable daggers include [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=4914 Scrimshaw Dagger] at level 13 with 8.9DPS, [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=1875 Harpy Skinner] at level 15 for the Horde with 9.6 DPS amd 3 Agi, [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=3058 Relic Blade] at level 15 for the Alliance in Darkshore with 10DPS and 3 Sta.
One type of armor that may be useful is armor that provides bonuses to [[Melee Crit Leather|melee crit chance]].
The crafted [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?s=big+bronze+knife Big Bronze Knife], aka BBK, is a viable alternative to dropped weapons.  This weapon provides 3 Sta and 10DPS at level 15.
Another useful type of armor is [[High agility leather armor]].
There are an additional 11 daggers listed for levels 16-19. In this range we start to see the first blue items. 
A third type of armor a Rogue may look for is [[Leather armor with Attack Power]].
[http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=12802 Assassin's Blade], a rare drop off of Archmage Arugal in Shadowfang keepThis weapon provides 15.5 DPS, +3 Str and +4 Agi.
The source of weaponry shifts to [[Alterac Valley]], [[Zul'Gurub]], [[Molten Core]] and beyondSee the [[Dagger_guide#Level_60|level 60 dagger guide]].
The [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=10328 Evocator's Blade] is a caster weapon with 15.3 DPS and provides 4 Int and 2 Spi.  It will be tough to pry this one from the Mage/Warlock in your party.
=== Level 61-69 ===
Enter the Burning Crusade, the first expansion for the World of Warcraft. This expansion adds ten more levels, maxxing out at level 70. This means we need a list of [[Dagger_guide#Burning_Crusade_Daggers|Burning Crusade Daggers]], [[Rogue_Sword_guide#Burning_Crusade_Swords|Burning Crusade Swords]], Burning Crusade Maces and [[Fist_Weapon_Guide|Burning Crusade Fist Weapons]].
The Boss Sneed in The Deadmines drops the [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=6970 Buzzer Blade].  This weapon is slightly inferior to the level 15 crafted dagger. 
The [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=3322 Spikelash] and [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=3414 Tail Spike] daggers are identical daggers with 11.1 DPS, +2 Str and +2 Agi. 
The crafted [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=4652 Pearl-handled Dagger] is good to obtain at level 18 if you have not already obtained a better dropped item.  This dagger provides 11.5 DPS along with 2 each of Agi and Sta.
=== Level 20-29 ===
At level 20 the Rogue gains a 10% increase to his Stealth speed through the second rank of Stealth.  The Rogue's poison quest becomes available at this level as well.  Backstab improves in damage and the Rupture finishing move becomes available. 
Later in this level range Rogues gain:<br>
Vanish, an ability to go into stealth mode at any time with a 5 minute cooldown.<br>  Distract, an ability that causes mobs to turn to face the distraction. <br>
Detect Traps, should be self evident. <br>
Cheap Shot, a stun stealth opener.  <br>
Instant Poison, instant poison damage. <br>
Crippling Poison, a snare poison.<br>
Mind-numbing Poison, a poison that increases a caster's cast times.<br>
And an upgrade to all of his other abilities.
Only 6 new abilities will be gained by the Rogue past level 29.  At this time the Rogue transforms into more of a Stealth fighter.  Choices need to be made as to which Talent path the Rogue wishes to follow.  ((Note add list of major talent builds here))
In this level range it is possible to take part in many instance groups.  One key instance is the [[Deadmines]].  [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?q=190 The Defias Brotherhood] quest is a key to a Rogue's career.  The reward is the [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=2450 Tunic of Westfall].  This chest piece can easily last a Rogue until his late 30s.  This quest is at the end of a long chain starting at Gryan Stoutmantle on Sentinal Hill in Westfall. 
Again the Rogue's weapons are the key to his success as his main role in a group is to do damage. Thottbot lists 24 daggers in the 20-24 level range.
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
|+ Superior Daggers level 20-24
| Name || DPS || Speed || Max Damage || Stat bonus || proc||Source||Notes
|[http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=4561 Deadly Bronze Poniard]|| 12.8 || 1.8 || - || 4 Agility || - || crafted || -
|Battle Knife of <stat> || 13.4 || 1.6 || - || random || - || random world drop || -
|[http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=5161 Wyvern Tailspike] || 13.6 || 1.8 || - || - || 2 DPS poison || Pridewing Patriarch in the Stonetalon Mountains || -
|[http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=9423 Naraxis Fang]|| 13.7 || 1.6 || - || - || 2DPS poison || Naraxis in eastern Duskwood || -
|Cross Dagger of <stat> || 14.6 || 1.30 || - || random || - || random world drop||-
|[http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=9986 Flesh Piercer]|| 15.2 || 2.0 || - || - || 1DPS bleed || Hillsbrad Foothills || -
|[http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=5182 Blackfang]||16.3|| 1.5||-||-||-||random world drop||-
|[http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=11976 Doomspike] ||16.3 || 1.5 ||-||-||-||unknown||-
|[http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=11785 Prison Shank] || 16.7||1.8|| - || - ||- ||Bruegal Ironknuckle in the [[Stockades]]||-
|[http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=5663 Talon of Vultros]||16.7 ||2.0||-||-||-||named rare spawn Vulture in Westfall||-
|[http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=9688 Bite of Serra'kis] ||17.7 || 1.3|| -||-||-||Old Serra'kis in [[Blackfathom Deeps]]||-
|[http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=9472 Meteor Shard] || 18.3 || 1.8 || -||- || Firebolt|| Archmage Arugal in [[ShadowFang Keep]]||-
|[http://www.thottbot.com/?i=4099 Blackvenom Blade] || 18.9 || 1.8 ||-||-||-||Rohh the Silent in eastern Redridge Mountains|| Rohn may be hard to find
Past level 25 the number of useful daggers starts to drop off.  There are 6 useful daggers in the 25-29 range.
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
|+ Superior Daggers level 25-29
| Name || DPS || Speed || Max Damage || Stat bonus || proc||Source||Notes
| Honed Stilettos of <stat> ||15.7 || 1.4 || - || random || - || random world drop || -
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=6182 Broad Bladed Knife] || 16.7 || 2.0 || 44 ||5 Stamina || - || Vendor in Duskwood/Hillsbrad || 2 Gold 83 Silver 71 Copper
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=3864 Daring Dirk] || 17.5 || 1.6 || 37 || 5 Agi || - || Vendor in Dustwallow Marsh / Stranglethorn Vale || 2 Gold 88 Silver 25 Copper <br> 3 Gold 20 Silver 28 Copper
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=3900 Claw of the Shadowmancer] || 20.5 || 1.9 || - || 2 Int || 35 damage shadobolt || rare world drop ||-
|[http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=9007 Toxic Revenger] || 20.5 || 1.9 || - || - || 5 second 5DPS PBAoE || Vicious Fallout in [[Gnomeregan]]|| Unique
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=11965 Torturing Poker] || 21.2 || 1.7 || - || - || +5-7 fire damage per hit || Interrogator Vishas in the [[Scarlet Monastery]] || -
=== Level 30-39 ===
Level 30 is when the Rogue gains their final skills, short of Safe Fall.  During the 30s the Rogue gains the last of his poison skills.  At level 30 the Rogue gains Kidney Shot, a finishing attack that stuns the target for one second per combo point. 
At this level the Rogue will start playing more and more as their Talent spec favors.  Dagger builds will rely more on stealth and big Ambushes to take a mob's health down quickly at the beginning of a fight.  Sword builds still rely on stealth much less.
Another major consideration in this level range becomes saving cash to buy a [[mount]] at level 40.  Mounts cost 80g and 20g for the riding skill.  These costs are reduced to 72g and 18g with the requisite faction.  The cash during these levels can be accumulated through a variety of strategies.  Killing humanoid mobs allows you to pick pockets for extra cash and gather plenty of cloth to make bandages and sell.  Collection trade skills can be used to collect raw materials for later sale in the [[Auction House]].  You may choose to avoid buying all but the most critical of skills to match the talents you select.  This last approach may delay the expenditure of 10s of gold until after you acquire a mount. 
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
|+ Superior Daggers level 30-39
| Name || DPS || Speed || Max Damage || Stat bonus || proc||Source||Notes
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=3801 Swinetusk Shank] || 23 || 1.50 || 45||6 Sta<br>4 Spi ||  -||[http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?n=7340 Agathelos the Raging] in [[Razorfen Kraul]]||-
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=10293 Howling Blade] || 23.9 || 1.40 || 44 ||- || Reduces targets' attack power by 30 for 30 seconds || [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?n=16403 Skhowl], a random spawn Yeti in Alterac || -
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=11705 Stonevault Shiv]  || 24 || 1.50  ||47||7 Agi<br>3 Sta ||-||Various mobs in [[Uldaman]]|| -
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=7970 Sliverblade] ||25 ||1.40 ||46||- || 45 frost damage || various mobs in [[Scarlet Monastery]] || -
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=5045 The Ziggler]  || 26.5|| 1.70|| 59||-||10-20 Nature damage||Random world drop||-
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=4015 Hypnotic Blade] ||26.8 ||1.40||49||8 Int<br>3 Spi|| -|| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?n=18577 Arcanist Doan] in the Library section of the [[Scarlet Monastery]] || A nice caster weapon, don't be greedy :)
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=3148 Black Menace]  ||29.7|| 1.50 ||58||-|| 30 Shadow Damage || Quest reward from [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?q=1176 In the Name of the Light] quest in [[Scarlet Monastery]] || No reason not to get this one
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=12457 Coldrage Dagger] ||29.7|| 1.50||58||-||20-30 Frost damage with 50% snare || Drops from [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?n=52566 Amnennar the Coldbringer] in [[Razorfen Downs]] || -
=== Level 40-49 ===
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
|+ Superior+ Daggers level 40-49
| Name || DPS || Speed || Max Damage || Stat bonus || proc||Source||Notes
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=9247 Widowmaker]|| 31.6 || 1.90 || 78 || 8 Agi  7 Str || - || random world drop || Nice slow dagger - Unique
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=16256 Stealthblade] || 32.9 || 1.40 || 60 || - || Each hit reduces threat on all enemies || Random drop in [[The Temple of Atal'Hakkar]] || Unique
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=8994 Gut Ripper] || 33.9 || 1.80 || 80 || - || Wounds for 95 - 121 || Random world drop? || Epic
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=11935 Searing Needle] || 33.9 || 1.80 || 80 || - || 60 Fire damage and increase future fire damage by 10 || Random drop in [[Blackrock Depths]] || Would be fun to use with a fire mage around
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=3725 Lifeforce Dirk] || 35.9 || 1.60 || 75 || 11 Sta || - || Quest reward from [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?q=1090 The God Hakkar] quest in [[The Temple of Atal'Hakkar]] || Get this if you are still using the Black Menace
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=7245 Shadowblade] || 38.9 || 1.40 || 71 || - || 110 - 140 shadow damage || Random world drop || Unique Epic
=== Level 50-59 ===
{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
|+ Superior+ Daggers level 50-59
| Name || DPS || Speed || Max Damage || Stat bonus || proc||Source||Notes
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=14900 Barman Shanker] || 36.5 || 2.00 || 95 || - || Target bleeds for 100 damage over 30 sec || Dropped by [http://www.thottbot.com/?n=Plugger%20Spazzring Plugger Spazzring] in [[Blackrock Depths]] || Possibly the best main hand dagger in the game
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=4822 Julie's Dagger] || 36.5 || 1.30 || 62 || - || Heals wielder of 78 damage over 12 sec || Random drop, either world or in [[Blackrock Spire ]] || -
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?s=Dire+Nail+of+the Dire Nail of the XXX] || 36.7 || 1.50 || 72 || +7-8 for two stats, +5 shadow resist || - || Drops from the [http://www.thottbot.com/beta.cgi?n=63732 Shade of Eranikus] in [[The Temple of Atal'Hakkar]] || Unique
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=3780 Keris of Zul'Serak] || 39.4 || 1.80 || 93 || - || 10 Nature damage every 2 sec and slows target's attack speed by 10% for 10 sec || Dropped by [http://www.thottbot.com/?n=War%20Master%20Voone War Master Voone] in [[Blackrock Spire ]] || -
| [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=13374 Finkle's Skinner] || 41.2 || 1.30 || 67 || - || Skinning +10.  +45 Attack Power when fighting Beasts. || Dropped by [http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?n=23897 The Beast] in [[Blackrock Spire ]] || -
[[Category:World of Warcraft]]

Latest revision as of 22:15, 14 February 2012


At home in the shadows and skilled at disappearing from sight, the Rogues of Azeroth are most comfortable when acting in the background. Twisting events to their favor, striking only when advantage is greatest: this is where a Rogue excels. With their cunning tricks, physical abilities, and mastery of concealment and disguise, Rogues have no trouble finding employment as thieves, cutthroats, spies, and assassins.

The Rogue is a very involved and fun class to play. Your effectiveness depends on how well you learn to use the Rogue. There is a lot to take in, but players can master the Rogue with knowledge and experience. Rogue's abilties fall into two major categories, damaging attacks and utility. These are described in the following sections.

Rogue Damage Abilties

Rogue Utility Abilties


Poisons : Quest walkthrough and general info.



No guide would be complete without a discussion of the class' talents. This is such a large topic it has a section of its own.
Rogue Talents

Rogue Talent Templates:
Ambush/Backstab (30/8/13)
Ass/Combat Builds
Ass/Sub Builds
Balanced Rogue Build
DoT Rogue Build
Group Rogue template
Combat Dagger

Leveling guide

Rogue Levelling Guide - Guide to get to level 40

Level 40-49

Dagger list

Offhand Sword list

Level 50-59

Dagger list

Offhand Sword list

Offhand Mace guide

Level 60

At this level it is time to start optimizing armor as well as weaponry.

One type of armor that may be useful is armor that provides bonuses to melee crit chance.

Another useful type of armor is High agility leather armor.

A third type of armor a Rogue may look for is Leather armor with Attack Power.

The source of weaponry shifts to Alterac Valley, Zul'Gurub, Molten Core and beyond. See the level 60 dagger guide.

Level 61-69

Enter the Burning Crusade, the first expansion for the World of Warcraft. This expansion adds ten more levels, maxxing out at level 70. This means we need a list of Burning Crusade Daggers, Burning Crusade Swords, Burning Crusade Maces and Burning Crusade Fist Weapons.